San Diego Pre-Listing Appraisals

San Diego is a great place to live and everyone knows it. The population of San Diego is steadily increasing every year. More people means more housing needs and most people prefer to buy rather than rent. If you are a Realtor then you want to prepare yourself well in advance, present yourself professionally, and demonstrate that you have a strong grasp of market trends. South Shore Appraisals believe that one way to achieve this is to have San Diego Pre-Listing Appraisals ready when you meet your client for the first time.

Benefits of Pre-Listing Appraisals

Pre-listing appraisals are home appraisals made prior to the house being placed on the market for sale. As a Realtor, it’s always good to do your homework in advance but two main reasons why a pre-listing appraisals are beneficial are:

  1. You Look Better to your Seller: When you meet a Seller, they will be more likely to sign up with you when you come prepared. Having a pre-listing appraisal in hand shows that you are eager to work, you are committed to the job, and that you are well informed. These are good qualities and Sellers appreciate an Agent who is working on their behalf.
  2. You Avoid Rebuttals and Valuation Problems: A pre-listing appraisal gives you a baseline value for how much the house is worth. By starting with a solid number, you avoid the risk of having the property valued to be dramatically lower than the asking price. When the house is in escrow and the deal is almost done, the last thing you want is for the property to be appraised lower than the contract price.

South Shore Appraisals

San Diego Pre-Listing AppraisalsSouth Shore Appraisals specialize the the valuation of property and real estate in southern California. If you are thinking of acquiring a pre-listing appraisals, be sure to call South Shore Appraisals for consultation. Please contact us by Email or call: (619) 453-2799.